Govt. ITI Tosham Bhiwani
GITI Tosham is running in vast area of about 08 acres having all around covered with trees and plants. Has beautiful park flowering the essence of flowers and hereby. Institute workshops with modern machinery, airy lassroom with sufficient plac, Library and Lab for technical classes.
Industrial Training Institute was commenced by department of Skill Development & Industrial Training Institute, Haryana, ITI Tosham was established in 2009.
The idea behind this institute was to technically train the youth with full facilities provided by Haryana Govt. in shape of Good infrastructure and technically expert instructor under the supervision of Qualified & experienced Group Instructor in order t prepare technically sound persona/worker to enhance the industrial production and also to raise the productivity of the state / nation.
"Action is the foundation to all success"
The aim of the institute is to provide technically skilled manpower to industries by providing training in a safe 'hands on' workshop style environment. The endeavor is also to reduce unemployment among educated youth by equipping them for suitable industrial employment- which, from a macro-perspective, is an important step in the direction of utilizing country's demographic dividend.
It's qualified trainers who have up-to-date knowledge and experience of industry are dedicated to help students, realize their complete potential who can adjust to changing demands of industry as well as be future entrepreneurs.
Industrial Training Institute,Tosham
Sh. Ravinder Kumar
Principal Sh.Ravinder Kumar